Recount – a recount checks the accuracy of reported results. It does not require any specific anomalies, though questionable statistical results sometimes prompt candidates to request recounts. International election standards include, as part of free and fair elections, access to peaceful dispute mechanism, one of which is accessible recounts.
Requesting a recount doesn’t require allegations of fraud. A recount simply verifies the count, a basic accountability function.
A rerun is not the same thing as a recount. Retabulating votes on voting machines is not a valid way to authenticate results. True recounts compare a hand count against another hand count; or, in locations with computerized vote counting, compare a hand count against the computer.
2016-12-02 – News briefs – Lawsuit filed against Wisconsin recount contending it violates equal protection; scattered reports that the certified Pennsylvania results dropped about 23,000 off of the unofficial Trump results; Increasing Wisconsin recount red flags; Wisconsin’s Public Records Law grants the right to visually inspect and hand count ballots; De La Fuente Files for Recount in Nevada; Montgomery County judge denies recount
2016-11-25 – When is a recount a sham? – describes behaviors and symptoms that may indicate tampering in a recount
2016-11-24 – About recounts – general information about recounts; why recounts are important; common misconceptions, how recounts work, costs, etc.
2016-07-14 – About Chain of Custody – Chain of custody necessary when examining election records in a recount
2013-04-23 – Testimony by Tom Courbat before the California Assembly Elections Committee – – An example of public testimony which includes criticism of decision to use paperless DRE (electronic voting), pointing out that it provides no ability to conduct a public recount, and that the “backup” system replacing the recount function was actually impossible to obtain.
2013-06-24 – (WY) Reporter arrested for voting as felon after reporting voting machine inaccuracies – voting machine miscounts cast doubt on the accuracy of election results, but Wyoming recount law did not permit doing a hand count to verify voting machine counts. Shortly after reporting details on the voting machine counting problems, the reporter was arrested on old charges.
2013-11-26 – Political Money – Healthy democracies offer remedies like recounts as a vital democratic safeguard.
Cost discrepancies invite favoritism. When recount costs are too high, only high rollers can verify the count.
2007-01-24 – (WY) Sheridan County: Vote Counting: Hand Recounts Prohibited – example of reduced accountability by disallowing count by human eyes in a recount. Change in law sought to allow hand counts in recounts.
2006-11-08 – (WY) – Ballot problems: Folded ballots and voting machines – voting machines having trouble reading folded absentee ballots – would not be able to examine with human eyes to see if affects the count in a recount