Black Box Voting 2.0 – a curated nonpartisan reporting and public education site for elections.

India: Voting machine probe sought

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[UPDATED 12/15/13] – Electronic voting machines have come under scrutiny in two Indian states for alleged irregularities. Officials for a historically dominant political party, the Congress Party,1 have filed a complaint with the Election Commission calling for an independent forensic evaluation of voting machine programming. The state president of another political party has called for a ban on electronic voting…

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Elections in Hungary

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LAST UPDATED [12/15/13] – Next elections will be Parliamentary elections scheduled for Spring 2014. It will be the first election under the new Hungarian Constitution. RATINGS – Freedom: Rated 1 on a scale of 1-6, with 1 being most free. Overall civil liberties and political freedoms trended downward in 2010, due to passage of a controversial new constitution, with continuing…

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Elections in the United States

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LAST UPDATED [12/15/13] – The next general election in the US is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 4 2014. Throughout 2014 leading up to the general election, primary elections will be held in each state, with considerable variation in dates. Greatest risk areas: Centralization of vote reporting and voting machine programming, with over 99 percent of all votes counted out of…

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Elections in Afghanistan

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LAST UPDATED [12/04/13] – The next election in Afghanistan is scheduled for April 5, 2014. Greatest risk areas: violence, and a national climate of corruption, from the President to the cop on the local street corner. RATINGS – Freedom: “Not free” rating 6 on a scale of 1-6, with 6 being least free.1 – Election Risk: Highest, rated 10 on…

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Ballot Privacy

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“Victims were told by perpetrators . . . that they were cutting off their hands as punishment for using their hands in the 1996 vote.” (Sierra Leone war amputees learn to vote with their feet)

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2013-06-24 (WY) Reporter arrested for voting as felon after reporting voting machine inaccuracies

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A news director for Bighorn Radio Network, who reported on some troubling programming problems with local voting machines during the 2012 general election, was arrested a few months later on charges that he had voted as a felon; He had been convicted for burglary in 1993 in another state and had served out a suspended sentence and probation. Twenty years…

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Political Corruption

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“As the lines of authority with the government erode, so too do traditional authority structures . . . eventually all that is left to hold society together is that someday it may be your day to get yours.” — Nuhu Ribadu, Nigeria 1 Corruption is the abuse of public office for private or political gain. Electoral corruption is interference with…

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