new-hampshire-wideNew Hampshire: a state in New England region of northeastern United States. One of the original 13 states that founded the United States of America. State capitol: Concord. Largest cities: Manchester, Nashua. New Hampshire legislature is called the General Court. Elections are run by municipalities, not counties. Population: 1.3 million (2014); Registered voters: 883,000 (2016). New Hampshire primary is, by state law, the first in the U.S. presidential election cycle. Significant irregularities: 2008 presidential primary. Voting machines: some small locations hand count; over 90% of votes counted by voting machines. Freedom of information: Blocked public right to examine ballots by passing a law in 2003 removing ballots from its right to know law.


2008/01/07 – New Hampshire election credibility – Video footage with brief transcript of expert Harri Hursti with John Silvestro  of LHS Associates, the firm that sold and services New Hampshire’s voting machines, plus hacking demonstration of the voting machine make and model used in New Hampshire