Launching e-voting in the USA: Some names, organizations involved

By August 20, 2005December 17th, 2015ELECTIONS INDUSTRY, HISTORY, PURCHASING

Aug. 20, 2005 – Some history on The Election Center, and some of the people and organizations involved with launching electronic voting in the United States. This post is archived from an old forum.

People working for The Election Center

Thomas R. Wilkey from New York1

(New York was the last state to update it’s election laws to reflect the Help America Vote Act (HAVA); intriguing because Wilkey was the Chair of NASED’s ITA Voting Systems Board and “established the Independent Test Authority (ITA) process”)

National Task Force on Election Reform2 Brad Clark, Alameda County ROV (Brad Clark left his position as Registrar of Alameda County to become Bruce McPherson’s Asst. Secretary of State for the state of California.)

National Task Force on Voting Accessibility

R. Doug Lewis is on this but if you want to write him: “Before writing to the committee members you have to obtain their authorization and e-mail address. Click on the name to get the e-mail address request form.” This opens up a window on ‘windows 2000’ that says ‘you have chosen to open ‘’ ; .pl files are Perl files and windows can open them with notepad which gives you nothing easily useable. Obviously, they aren’t looking to talk with anyone they don’t already know. There is a ‘discussion forum and realtime chat’ link that when clicked on asks for a password.

The Election Center Research and Technology Committee has these people on it:

Kathryn Ferguson Registrar of Voters Santa Clara County California (formerly ran elections in Clark County Nevada)

Brad R. Nelson Elections Director Mohave County Elections Dept

Tony Bernhard Registrar of Voters Yolo County Elections Dept

Connie Schmidt Election Commissioner Johnson County Elections Office

Norma Rodriguez City Clerk San Antonio

Bernard Soriano Chief Information Officer Secretary of State .Calif

Jan Kralovec County Clerk Cook County IL

Dan English County Clerk Kootenai County ID

Mischelle Townsend Office of Elections, Riverside County, California

David Elliot Registrar of Voters Washington State

H. Larry Lomax Registrar of Voters Clark County NV

R. Doug Lewis Executive Director Election Center

Townsend, of Riverside County, was the subject of Linda Soubrious’ lawsuit.

Also on the Voting Systems Accreditation Board:

Steve Freeman, “Software Consultant,” used by California for it’s Diebold certifications.

Robert J. Naegele, President, Granite Creek Technology, Inc. Robert Naegele, Granite Creek Technology Inc., Voting Machine Examiner, consultant to NY State 3

but address shown for him is in Pacific Grove, CA

Naegele was on the ‘California Internet Voting Advisory Committee’ of whom the only member from the initial task force still on the Committee is David Jefferson, Chair,Compaq Systems Research Center Palo Alto, CA 94583

as is R. Doug Lewis who was not on the original Task Force.

Robert J. Naegele is a 1950 graduate of Johns Hopkins University and is quoted in the book “Votescam” 4

More history on him indicates that the issue of electronic voting machines has been an issue since 1969.5

A DRE trial he was involved with but excluded from testifying in behalf of the Voting machine vendor.6


4.2. Federal Election Commission Standards Document

In January (revised April) 1990, the National Clearinghouse on Election Administration (a department of the U.S. Federal Election Commission) published a 300 page document entitled “Voting System Standards” (developed by consultant Robert Naegele).7

More information can be found at






  1. (this is the original link; the link is now dead)
  2. (this is the original link; the link is now dead, but some related documents are archived through the Wayback machine at
  3. from:
  4. (this is the original link; it does not appear to lead directly to the referenced chapter now)
  7. from: from which document the following statement is pulled: “However, it is important that the government does not implement such technology without ensuring that it is trustworthy.”
  8.’sBlackBox.htm (this is original link; it no longer appears to connect to the referenced document, but more may be found through the wayback machine at



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